is...A Day without Chains. As Dogs Deserve Better
continues to work this issue, it becomes more and more apparent
that we are up against some deeply entrenched abuse patterns
in America. Most people who chain their dogs DO know on
some level it's not right...judging by the amount of righteous
indignation they display when approached about it. I long
for the day when chains will be a thing of the past, and
I believe we will get there. I created this art in honor
of the DDB 2006 Have a Heart for Chained Dogs campaign.
This campaign is our best outreach campaign of the year;
it educates children and groups who make us Valentines as
well as those who are on the receiving end."
animals deserve our caring respect, and a dog
has emotional and physical needs that must be met.
framed pieces, apparel, or other items with this art